Seems like a no-brainer, Barry - you on a stage making sandwiches and maybe getting a few lucky audience members to taste and rate alongside your tasting notes and ratings is something I'd watch for sure.

You could also poll for suggestions before each show and maybe do some local classics like, say, if you're in Chicago a pepper & egg (Italian beef or Gymshoe seems like way too much work on stage but what do I know?) ... doesn't have to be local either - classics are classics!

And speaking of Chicago, if you're going there you might as well add Toronto to your list - it's on the way to NYC! I would also accept Detroit, Buffalo, Pittsburgh or Cleveland - no pressure!

This is awesome news though - congrats, Barry!

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I second Pittsburgh and/or Cleveland!!

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Raleigh, NC here! Not sure what time of year it will be but maybe making a sando with local seasonal ingredients at each locale would be fun. You’ve had a lot of great chefs guest host for you, maybe you can also feature a local chef to help? Good luck with the planning!

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Hopefully you do a hometown one here in the Bay!

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Oregon enters the chat. Come visit! Portland?

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I love the idea of a live show! You could have a segment called Rando Sando, where you come up with a sandwich combined of ingredients brought by the audience. Whoever brought the ingredients gets to taste it too.

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Love the idea and the name ... Rando Sando FTW!

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New Orleans, please! A cool sandwich show for a town that loves its sandwiches ♥

Wherever you end up, how exciting that this enterprise has come along so far! Tickled for y'all!

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Clearly Chicago should be on the short list :)

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It absolutely is and don't think I'm not gonna try and rope you into it, sir (that is if you're amenable to it)

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Damn, am I gonna have to get a haircut? 😂

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Absolutely not!

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I was going to suggest Minneapolis, but I’d totally drive to Chicago for this.

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Charlotte North Carolina :D sandwich culture down here is alive and well! I also saw someone put Raleigh and it’s about a three-ish hour drive :3

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Come to Richmond, VA!! Great sandwich culture!

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I think that is likely to happen as I am going to be there Nov 18th anyway. A friend and former colleague teaches at the university and asked me to be a judge for his programs final competition (students pitch food business ideas, the winner gets funding to actually make it real)

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and I’m sure New York Deli has a Sailor Sandwich with your name on it 😁

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That’s incredible! I can speak for at least 10 people who will be very excited to hear this and would absolutely attend.

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I wish I was closer to any of the cities but I am not 😭 I say pick whichever most people want you to go to Barry 👍🏻

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🎵 please come to Boston 🎵

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This is exciting! LA please, can’t wait to come see the show 🥪

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